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Keynote Presentation at Real Estate Investment World Asia 2012
Real Estate Investment World Asia - Asia's largest real estate industry gathering
REIW Asia 2012: Presentation by Andrew Smith, Global Head of Property, Aberdeen Asset Management
Discover MIPIM ASIA 2012-trailer
MIPIM 2012: Keynote address how is property placed to meet investors' needs and expectations
AC2012 The Engtanglement KB
MIPIM 2012: Keynote address how is property placed to meet investors' needs and e (Edited)
Official trailer: MIPIM Asia 2013
Asia Pacific Golf Summit 2012 Keynote Address by Andrew Harris
REIW Asia 2012: Hospitality Real Estate - Economy Hotels
Masterminds Asia: "Challenges & perspectives for the next 12 months"
Agent M In Beijing - Why Chinese investors are buying London Property with London expert Monty Nawaz